Registered Office
Need a different address for your registered office?
There are many reasons for wanting your official business address to be different from your office or home address.
If you are registering a Limited Company in England or Wales you must provide an official address for your business and each Director.
You may have considerable stock levels or expensive equipment at your address and do not want the address available online.
You can use our office address as the registered office for your company.
This will also ensure all important documents come straight to us to deal with on your behalf straight away. Any that aren't for us, we forward to you.
Whether it is to protect your privacy, give your business address a more professional feel or simply to get “official correspondence” direct to where it will likely be dealt with using our Cardiff address for your business makes sense.
Next Step:
Please contact us if you need further advice, have any questions about our services, or would like a free consultation.